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Festival de Marseille


Artists in Exile workshop

Oighur, Iranian, Sahraouie, Congolese, Venezuelan

Five women artists in exile: four singers and a musician struggling for the emancipation of their people and of women. Far from the prohibitions in force in their native lands, they sing freely of their right to exist.


Alone on the flute, Venezuelan musician Angerlin Urbina spins a symbolic thread to connect five women, their voices and their cultures, united by anger and a shared determination to be recognised, listened to and looked at, rejecting all forms of oppression through their singing and their presence. “Together, let’s rebel!” sing Diana La Fraise, Aida Nosrat, Dighya Mohammed Salem and Nasima Shavaeva in their mother tongues. “Rise up, slave women! And remove our shackles. Stand up, stand up, stand up!” they cry, to all those who will listen to them speak of their love for their country and its people, of suffering, of wandering in exile… Presented in the wonderful historic setting of the Vieille Charité, whose walls will echo with their powerful, emancipated voices as they celebrate freedom, art, revolution and hope.


En coréalisation avec la Ville de Marseille - Musées de Marseille

Practical information

2023 edition

Duration 1h


Aged 5 and over


Free by reservation

Book !


En coréalisation avec la Ville de Marseille - Musées de Marseille
Création 2020
Avec : Diana La Fraise, Aida Nosrat, Dighya Mohammed Salem, Nasima Shavaeva, Angerlin Urbina
Direction artistique : Judith Depaule
Scénographie : Maral Bolouri
Costumes : Abdou Khadr Faye
Coordination musicale : Daniel Blanco
Composition flûte : Juvenal Balestrini
Production : atelier des artistes en exil
Coproduction : Ville de Paris dans le cadre d’Un été particulier, avec le soutien du fonds de dotation Porosus


Photographie © juvenal balestrini